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Project Based Learning | LIFE UNDER THE MASK
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The colorful life, cover under the mask



In October, AP students in Grade One received their first PBL assignment with the theme of "Life Under the Mask."

"One half of the mask shows you as you see yourself, the other half shows you as buddy sees you."

Teacher Blanche did not set limits, but gave AP students unlimited space for daydreaming. This new and interesting project started in a wave of discussions.

Project procedure

Prepare work

At the beginning of the "Life Under the Mask" project, students had a preliminary understanding of the background and setting intention of the project through Diamond 9 Model and WEPO, which paved the way for the successful completion of the following PBL affairs.

Mask design

We used a brush to draw on one half of the blank mask what we thought we were, and the other half what someone else thought we were

"I remember the dozens of minutes I was immersed in making it."

As the paintbrush fell and the familiar and strange masks appeared, the students' sense of achievement seemed to reach its peak at this moment.

Prepare for speech

In order to better present our results, the presentation seems to be essential. "Speeches make us more confident and logical."

It is worth mentioning that in order to make the speech experience more formal, Blanche also prepared a microphone and sound system, as well as timing and video recording for each speaker.

This Tuesday evening self-study, the classroom filled with students relaxed and happy speech atmosphere. (One more small detail: students are no longer afraid, and many of them volunteer to speak.)


This PBL is the first large-scale class activity since the new semester. It is an important "ice-breaking" between teachers and students, marking the starting point of three years of life. The colorful masks are the result of our joint efforts and will continue to witness our growth.


Blanche’s interview

l  What was your original intention to arrange this project?

My original intention was that we were not so familiar with each other at the beginning of the semester. In order to quickly establish a connection, I started this project. Secondly, everyone will find their own Buddy, which can help freshmen integrate into the class faster.

l  Where was the theme of your project inspired?

Before school starts, I participated in a training initiated by the founder of pbl. Through that training, I learned a lot of projects. I chose one that was more suitable for our class, and carried out corresponding activities.

l  Do you think the results of the first round are within your expected results?

Their results exceeded my expectations, and I gave them a perfect evaluation. My happiest thing in this process is that the whole class is completing the tasks related to this project in a very serious manner. Their final presentation exceeded my expectations, which made me very moved and gratified.

Dave’s interview

l  You mentioned that the PBL project has changed this semester. How can this change help the PBL project go smoothly?

In the past, PBL carried out creative expansion in different aspects according to personal interests and hobbies, and this year's PBL everyone was carrying out the same project, but they needed their own thinking and creative expansion, which was very different from previous years.

l  As a guest, what is the biggest feeling of watching our presentation?

The biggest feeling is the expression of students. I saw the students calmly showing their thoughts on the stage, as well as the tension after the students came on stage, and their bodies tightened after standing in front of them. It is important to be able to find this as early as possible, and it also highlights the real character of the students and their true side.


About student in this PBL

l  Did you learn anything from creating masks?

Student D: when creating masks, I think we can better understand ourselves and find our strengths and weaknesses. Through the fun teaching method of creating masks, we stimulate our minds and develop emissive thinking rather than being bound by academics.

l  Do you agree when you see your buddy’s painting?

Classmate Y: Neither, the idea of "what kind of person am I in the eyes of others" has always existed in my heart, and when I see the impression that my buddy has drawn for me, it is precious to me whether it looks good or not. I'd love to see myself from a different perspective. I am curious about what meaning my behavior means in the eyes of others and how it affects others. Similarly, I don't think their impression of me needs my approval.

l  What did you learn from it?

Student Y: When the picture is ready, we also need to reflect our impression of other friends as partners. At this time, I found that I paid less attention to the people around me and didn't know much about it, and this mask creation just made me have a deeper impression and understanding of my friends, and made me realize that I should pay more attention to people and things outside...


This is the end of the PBL event, but the aftertaste has not yet dissipated. The end of the project is the beginning of PBL, and the story is not finished, so please look forward to the next PBL event!


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