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Caring week 2021
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by Jessie

HM kindergarten is a internationalkindergarten. During the ‘thanksgiving day’, our kindergarten have variousactivities, and we call this week-- caring week. As a English groupcoordinator, I discuss with our IB coordinator and international teachers abouthow to carry out the Thanksgiving activities under the premise of combiningChinese culture.

2021 "Caring week" activity, ourgarden planned a various, multi-level activities, so that all children andclass teachers can experience gratitude education from multiple aspects.

In this week, mainly carried out theproduction of "caring" cookies, bookmarks, greeting cards and otherhandmade activities, and the products made by themselves as gifts are send tothe class teachers, their good friends, their parents and other school staff.

In addition, combined with the physical andmental development of age, the Junior and Medium classes learned children'ssongs and finger songs related to "caring week", and performed themto the teachers in this week.

The Seniors students went to experience theresponsibilities of various posts in the school community and felt thecontributions made by every staff member of the school.

Gratitude is a way for people to cherishand express love. Learning how to care for and treat people around you is anessential lesson to cultivate a healthy personality. Early childhood is thebeginning of life and the enlightenment period of moral education. 2021 caringweek is wonderful and successful, every students love the activities.

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Add : Guangzhou Huamei International School,No. 23, Huamei Road,  Tianhe District, Guangzhou, China 510520
Tel : 0086-20-87210178/87210585
E-Mail: hbic@huameiis.com
Website : http://www.hm163.com

