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Being a teacher
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中学部 黎芷延

What components make a great teacher? It's a hard question. Because it's unlike technology, in which correct application produces predictable and uniform results. Maybe here are some: learning, authority, ethics, order, imagination,compassion, patience, character, pleasure and so on. For each element, there is a lot we can discuss.

It is a must for a teacher to have a good and full mastery of the subject he teaches, which would be helpful for a teacher to gain authority. As for a middle school teacher, I think I should not only understand all the high school entrance examination tests but also can analyze them so that I would know what are the core knowledge points for a senior high student to master and when and where to stress them as well.

Learning can be infectious, so I should pay more attention to my actions when I am with my students, leaving them the impression that the teacher is an active learner, they will treat you as a model and imitate or follow you.


A teacher's confidence in the intrinsic worth of knowledge is fundamental to all instructions. We are always asked such kinds of questions: "Why do we have to learn this? what good is such knowledge?". Here are some references: Because acquiring this knowledge is difficult; Because you will feel triumphant when it no longer confuses you; Because you will enjoy what you can do with it; Because in learning it you may discover new perspectives on life, new ways of thinking; Because its possession will make you more alive than its alternative, which is ignorance.

True teachers liberate the thinking of others.


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