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The Transition From Home to School
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TheTransition From Home to School

By FerushcaRania


Atthe beginning of this year, we embraced the year 2020 with great hopes. But asudden outbreak of COVID-19 disrupted all of our plans.




Teachersare actively participating on collaborative planning. Searching suitableresources for students English learning. Discussion about lesson plans and funactivities. Teachers had to make teaching videos, handcraft videos, make PPT’s,daily english questions linked to photos /videos, find resources (songs, AV’s,stories, worksheets ect ) and give feedback to students everyday (written ,emojis or voice recordings ) . This was done to motivate students in theirlearning. Online video chat with students was also done with students (teachingand general talking). This was to ensure good communication betweenteachers and students.


Studentsand Parents:  


Thereare Wechat groups with local and International teachers, students and parents.This group was where teaching materials are sent and feedback is given.Teaching videos, handcraft, songs, AV, stories ect were and still are beingshared. Teachers also gave students feedback when receiving videos fromstudents parents or when students are taking time to learn / study.


Theeffect was obvious that students successfully went through the transition fromschool to home.



Nowthat school has reopened, teachers have face to face teaching while others haveonline teaching everyday. Plan lessons and other materials are sent and used inclass and reviewed by local teachers.


Soonit will be time for our senior class to graduate and move on to the next stagesof life. From Huamei we hope that you have a great summer vocation. Best wishes


Let’swork together to get through and embrace a better future.

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Add : Guangzhou Huamei International School,No. 23, Huamei Road,  Tianhe District, Guangzhou, China 510520
Tel : 0086-20-87210178/87210585
E-Mail: hbic@huameiis.com
Website : http://www.hm163.com

