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The Crazy Hat Day
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31st of December was the hat day of International Students’ Division, HMIS. Instead of wearing shool uniforms, Students designed and handmade unique hats matching the clothes. Some students wore baseball hat going with sports clothes, some students wore winter hat going with a big mask. They spoke crazy English wearing crazy hats . “I’m wearing the most stylish and awesome hat! Do you like my hat?” “Your hat is like an angry bird!” 


We celebrated it to raise students’ English learning interests and develop their art designing skills. The teachers were also involved in. The homeroom teacher of the class dressed up like a beautiful Arab lady. Students and teachers had a great time showing off their special hats.


Crazy Hat Day pushed students to the limits of their sanity. Students had fun today. Were you being crazy today?

1031日是华美学校来华留学生部首个主题日----帽子日,在这一天学生们脱下每日穿的的校服,选择自己喜欢的帽子,搭配上相应的服饰。 有的孩子带着棒球帽,搭配运动服,有的孩子带着冬天的毛线帽和大口罩,每个孩子都很兴奋,就连班主任也打扮成了一位美丽的阿拉伯女子。对于他们,虽然今天依然与往日一样吃饭、上课、睡觉,但是因为帽子日的主题,每一个学生脸上洋溢着快乐,今天的校园与往日类似,今天的校园又因为这一点点的不同,而变得更可爱。

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