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How do you understand the word "respect"? How do children comprehend this word? How to show "respect"? In order to make students truly understand the meaning of "respect", On Tuesday April 17, GIA held an assembly which chose "respect" as the theme in amphitheatre. However, under the patient guidance of the teacher Andrew Corson, GIA Grade four Class one and Class two students made a good interpretation of this theme, the students showed GIA all students the meaning of "respect" through the story, play, singing, video and games.

In this play, students played the role of good students and bad students, good students listened to the teacher and sit nicely, bad students fought with each other and even hit the teacher, through the comparison and asking questions, students can further think about what "respect" is, how to do that can show"respect".

"Respect yourselves, respect your friends... " everyone sang the song of " respect " and made the same gestures, even if they were not participants, they were cheering for others.

In games, some students were selected to join it, when they played games, they need to line up, no pushing and also followed the rules.

Actually, before holding this kind of assembly not every student knows what respect means, we hope that through this activity students can respect themselves, respect their friends, respect everyone that around them! How to show respect? For example, when teachers are teaching, you need to listen carefully. Be nice to classmates. If others need helps, don’t ask why just help him!  


您对“尊重”这个词是怎么理解的呢?孩子们又是怎么理解的呢?怎样才能体现“尊重”呢?为了让学生们真正明白“尊重”的含义,四月17日星期二GIA在阶梯教室举行了以“尊重”为主题的活动,在Andrew Corson老师的耐心指导下,GIA四年级一班和二班同学们出色地诠释了此次主题,同学们通过故事、戏剧、唱歌、视频和游戏等形式向GIA 全体学生展示了“尊重”的含义。

在戏剧和故事环节中,孩子们扮演了好学生和坏学生两个角色,通过对比并以提问的形式让孩子们去进一步思考什么是“尊重”,谁在故事中体现了尊重,谁的做法是不正确的,不正确的那又该怎么做去体现“尊重”。在唱歌环节,由学生领唱“Respect yourself, ,Respect your friends Respect your teachers.....”随后全场唱起了这首“尊重之歌”一起做着同一个手势......,在游戏环节中,有些孩子会被邀请参与其中,参赛者必须排好队不能推,遵守规则,其他孩子虽然没有成为参赛者,也在为他人加油打气。


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